Admire Yourself

There is a type of calligraphy enthusiasts who admire the artistic charm of Chinese calligraphy. The tranquility, calmness of writing calligraphy can be quite fascinating.💕

Some people find calligraphy incredibly beautiful, the most profound form of art deeply rooted in an ancient culture. Perhaps they imagine it to be a bit too challenging, the threshold to begin too high. Especially not knowing the Chinese language, they’re not confident that they have what it takes to fully immerse themselves in it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Assuming they wouldn’t be able to master it, they don’t want to waste time learning it halfway. So they decide to wait until retirement to embark on the journey of calligraphy seriously.

I must say I appreciate this earnest attitude, determination to do something well. 👌👏

On the other hand, 🙋🏻‍♀️I believe there must be a way to teach and learn calligraphy more effectively and efficiently, meanwhile to enhance students’ sense of achievement.🤔

Take learning a musical instrument as an example. Perhaps you don’t necessarily have to be able to play Chopin’s Nocturnes to be considered skilled; a simple “Happy Birthday” song is enough for self-enjoyment 🥳 and creating more happiness, isn’t it?

🙋🏻‍♀️I believe that everyone is fully capable of writing the kind of beautiful calligraphy that they admire themselves. 🥰

Keeping this faith, I have developed my calligraphy courses with an increasing focus on mindfulness techniques. ✍️This allows students to experience concentration and the FLOW in the least amount of time and develop a liking for practicing calligraphy independently.🥰

A few days ago, using this approach, I delivered a 90-min class with almost thirty non-Chinese-speakers from the Philippines to immerse themselves in the joy of calligraphy. Each of them even created their own calligraphy pieces. ✍️They are a Buddhist group that came to Taiwan to visit Chung Tai Chan Monastery. The accompanying master half-jokingly said, “I don’t even see you practice meditation with such focus!”😂

🙋🏻‍♀️What I want to say is, if you like calligraphy, you don’t really need to wait until you “have time to learn.” Through my online coaching class, space and time are no longer relevant, and you can start right away. 👌

🙋🏻‍♀️If you want to know how I can really help you, feel free to chat with me:

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